
How do I stop sending travel updates to my contacts?

To remove someone from your travel updates, go to the Share tool. Then, select the contact you want to remove and click the red “X” next to their name. The user will no longer receive any updates about this trip, but they will continue to receive updates on any other trips that they are still connected to.

If your contact is a TripCase user, they can manage which notifications he will receive and how (email or push messages). This setting is managed on their TripCase profile page.

If your contact is set as "Always Share" you will need to do an extra step to stop sharing all your trips with them.

The option to always share is available only on mobile at the moment. You can also use our mobile site

Click on Contacts and select the email address.



Click the Pen to edit the properties. Uncheck the Always Share box or delete the contact. Save.







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